Thursday 13 August 2015

Vote Jeremy Corbyn!


Labour has lost its electoral base in Scotland and stands to lose up to 50 seats in boundary changes before the general election in 2020. Against this background any Party Leader is going to face a massive uphill struggle to beat the Tories.

I don't believe that the New Labour approach of trying to appeal to middle-class, floating voters in marginal constituencies can succeed. This is the reason Ed Miliband failed to win. It is now time to move away from policies based on the views of "focus groups" and news management (spin).

I believe the policies advocated by Jeremy Corbyn can reach out to those disaffected from our political process. The Labour core voter, so long taken for granted by the Party's establishment, will be reconnected by a shift to progressive policies.

You don't have to agree with every single political position Corbyn holds, or every statement he has made in the past. His opponents attempt to deride his attitudes to foreign policy, but then they do not put any alternatives forward in response.

Despite the interventions from the relics of the party's past and the fear mongering by the other candidates, it is time for all those who want Labour to be a moral crusade once more to support Jeremy Corbyn. Vote for hope over fear and cynicism!


  1. Where's the morality in supporting a monster like Vladamir Putin, Ian?

  2. Getting your information from the Times and the Telegraph, Matt?

    Corbyn Interview with Russia Today
