I must admit that I have been less than enthusiastic about the elections for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC). Personally, I would have preferred to see the retention of Police Authorities which were accountable via our elected councillors and county councillors. Cameron has branded them unelected and of not being sufficiently visible. So their powers has been put transferred to the PCC, whom will I assume set up their own structures.
The PCC powers involved are important: deciding the local police plan; setting the police budget: engaging with the local community; and the appointment/dismissal of the chief constable. You can see why the Tories are keen to vest these powers in people that are sympathetic or are actually Tory Party members. In my view, the underlying motive is to stop any resistance is cuts in the police service, which is one of the more bizarre austerity measures given the Tories' decades of 'tough on crime' posturing
I suspect that low turnout and voter indifference is key to Cameron's plans for gaining control of the PCCs. This is a dangerous and cavalier approach, as the ever opportunistic far-right have seen the chance to put up candidates. The thought of a far right candidate being elected is a terrifying prospect, and threatens recent advances in countering hate crimes against women, ethnic minorities and people with disabilities.
In Essex, we have the candidates of the main parties and independents. One independent, former police chief Mick Twaites, is being backed by the Lib Dems. I was amused the by the use of the old Sweeney catch-phrase "you're nicked" in Twaites' publicity, does he see himself as modern day Jack Reagan fighting the bureaucrats I wonder?
Of greater concern, is the candidate of the English Democrats. I know that they are a party of the right, but do not know how far over on the spectrum on right-wing politics they stand. Nevertheless, in this year's elections for Southend Borough Council several former BNP members stood as English Democrats. It is a truism that you can judge someone by the company that they keep.
I am fairly certain that I would not see eye-to-eye on many political issues with Val Morris-Cook. However, I believe that she is the best candidate to serve as PCC. As the ballot is on the basis of a supplementary vote, I urge everyone to cast their 1st vote for Val on 15th November. As for the 2nd vote, it's a pity Jack Reagan isn't standing!
Val Morris-Cook